Plans for 20199
» Plans for 20199
Plans for Year 2019
CH Zula od Ivanki (red tabby + white) & GIC Poldie od Ivanki (red tabby + white)
Expected colours : red girls, red boys (+- white) Siberian traditional and Neva Masquerada
IC Femka od Krolowych (silver tortie tabby + white) & Pogo od Ivanki (black tabby + white)
Expected colours : black and tortie girls, black and red boys (+- white)
CH Tina Happysib (black classic tabby + white) & Pogo od Ivanki (black tabby + white)
Expected colours : black/brown tabby girls and boys (+-white)
CH Agora Zara (black golden spotted) & GIC Poldie von der Sperlingshoehe (red tabby + white)
Expected colours : Tortie girls, black boys (+-white)